When it comes to having fun and getting together, you want your time to be the best it can be. Holidays, celebrations, graduations and any old day is “funner” when you fill it with foam. You heard us right. Foam!!! With the FOAMO,™ Foam Machine, fun becomes more fantastic, more fabulous and yes, “funner.”
Best Gift Ever!
Bring the party with you and leave it behind as the perfect gift. Your kids and grandkids will be absolutely thrilled. As the mountains of foam fill the yard so will neighbors, family and friends, because FOAMO™ is for family, FOAMO™ is for friends and if you are a child age 3-99, FOAMO™ is for you. It is non-toxic, easy to clean up and will provide hours and hours of foamy fun.
You know who loves FOAMO™? Everyone! And everyone is talking about it… literally!
Check out Drew Barrymore, Leo Kelly, and Maddie Michalik on the Drew Barrymore Show
Best Party Ever!

It’s all about spending time together, laughing and having a great time. So, take whatever you might usually do and whatever games you might normally play, and add foam to the mix to make your spring and summer truly memorable. Â
Your own yard will become the hottest party spot in the neighborhood. It will be the place to be! Wherever the FOAMO™ Foam Machine is, that’s where the action and excitement is, too. It works on its own and is amazing, stand-alone entertainment, or it enhances any activity you can think of! There’s just so much more to do when you add FOAMO™ to the mix.
Instead of Marco Polo in a pool, try Marco FOAMO™ in your yard! How much better is hide and seek when there is foam? Singing and dancing and putting on a show in foam? Why not? If you have a rope, tire, or any kind of swing, imagine gliding through a mountain of foam! Bring out the foam and take it to the next level.
Your own yard will become the best party spot in the neighborhood. It will be the place to be! And for even more party ideas, here are some tips from Little Tikes.
FOAMO™ is the gift that will be used over and over, and over again. Once you have the machine, all you’ll need are refills to keep on hand. This way you are always ready for foam time! It is non-toxic, easy to clean up and will provide hours and hours of foamy fun.
Make FOAMO™ the number one gift and the first guest on your list and fill your days with foam. Then refill, rejoice and repeat all spring and summer long. Remember, fun is made “funner” with FOAMO™!