Brrr! It’s been a cold and blustery winter, and the first signs of spring are still a few weeks away. If your kids are feeling particularly squirrely this winter, then check out these activities to help pass the time during the snowy days you’re spending inside. You’re in luck: today we’ve got six activities to help you and your kids make the most out of snowy days inside.
Pretend to Own a Restaurant
If your kids love to role play, get out their Tasty Jr.™ Bake ‘n Share™ Kitchen and let them pretend to run their own restaurant all afternoon long. Role playing is a great way for kids to work on their social skills, learn to understand other people’s points of view, and practice following directions. Let your kids create a menu for their restaurant, practice taking your order, or whatever other fun restaurant-themed activities they dream up. We have so many great role play toys for kids, whether they like pretending to go grocery shopping, cooking in the kitchen, or even performing science experiments, we’ve got a great role play toy that’s a great way to stretch your kids’ imaginations on a snowy day.

Karaoke Your Kids’ Favorite Little Baby Bum™ Songs
Music is a great way to get your kids up and active (one of the many reasons why we’ve created these awesome new Little Baby Bum™ toys). Why not pull out the Sing-along Piano, put on their favorite Little Baby Bum™ tunes, and perform some karaoke!? This kid-sized piano has a working microphone, 13 keys, four unique play modes, and plays some of their favorite Little Baby Bum™ songs like “Wheels on the Bus,” “Five Speckled Frogs,” “Old MacDonald,” and “Bingo.” Check out all of our Little Baby Bum™ toys for more great, musical ways to play.

Build a Pillow/Cardboard Fort
Sometimes your kids need something active and detail-oriented to keep their growing minds busy and engaged. Gather up all your spare pillows and blankets (or some cardboard boxes) and put together the biggest, best pillow/cardboard box fort that your kids can think of. Building a fort is a great way to encourage your kids to solve problems and practice their design and building skills. Hopefully you can convince them that cleaning up their new fort is just as much fun as building it was!
Have the Ultimate My First Mighty Blasters Battle
If you haven’t seen our new line of My First Mighty Blasters launchers, then you need to check them out stat! These all-new launchers are easy for kids to load and launch, and the soft plush Power Pods mean you don’t have to worry while they play. The Boom Blaster is the perfect way to introduce your kids to the My First Mighty Blasters battle, while the Dual Blaster launches two Power Pods at once and the Mighty Bow easily switches between a bow and a crossbow. Each My First Mighty Blasters launcher comes with multiple Power Pods that encourage your kids to role play as heroes and unleash their inner powers. They’re the perfect cure for when your kids are stuck inside with far too much energy.
Make Up a Play from Scratch
Let your kids’ imaginations run wild by writing, designing, and performing their own play. Each different step of the play (from writing it, to building a set, to choosing costumes, to setting up lights, to the performance itself) can be turned into a fun group activity to keep your kids active for hours on end. Plus, each different step will require different creative skills, so your kids will all have opportunities to shine. Make sure you record the final performance though, this is one family memory you’re going to want to keep!

Throw a Game Party
Board games are the classic way to pass a gloomy day indoors. If you’re looking for some great games for kids of all ages, check out the Little Baby Bum Old MacDonald’s Memory Match-Up Game or Hot Hoops. You can even take some of our classic active play toys like the TotSports™ Easy Score™ Basketball Set, set them up in your basement, and add a little energy to your game party.
However you and your kids spend your next snowy day inside, make sure you snap a picture and tag us (@OfficialLittleTikes on Instagram, @LittleTikes everywhere else) on social media!
For 50 years Little Tikes has been a parent-trusted brand making kids toys that last. Looking for more great active play ideas? Check out for all our latest play tips and tricks!