Last summer, you might have seen these absolutely amazing custom Cozy Coupes at the World’s Biggest Playdate or during our Play Big! Tour that were created by our fans. We were so inspired by them that we reached out to our good friends at Galpin Auto Sports and worked with them to create six truly unique Cozy Coupes unlike anything we’ve ever seen before.

Galpin Audio Sports (G.A.S.) designed an amazing Cozy Coupe for the LeBron James Foundation, race car driver Richard Petty, and even an awesome L.O.L. Surprise!-themed one. We’ve got a special sneak-peek look inside their process today that we’re so excited to share with you!
How G.A.S. made the coolest custom Cozy Coupes we’ve ever seen:

Creating the designs based on some of our favorite personalities and brands
Each of the Custom Cozy Coupes got an awesome, unique design created by the design team at G.A.S. G.A.S.’s designers got their inspiration from Lebron James, L.O.L. Surprise!, race car driver Richard Petty, and even some classic cars. We were so excited to see some of our favorite personalities brought to life through these vibrant designs.

Disassembling the Cozy Coupes and stripping their paint
Once the designs were finalized and rendered, G.A.S.’s team took each Cozy Coupe apart, removed the decals, and had them sanded and prepped with a special primer that allows the paint to stick to the Cozy Coupe’s plastic shell.
Painting the individual Cozy Coupe pieces
After the primer dried, the team at G.A.S. sanded down the Cozy Coupes one last time to avoid any uneven spots. G.A.S.’s special paint also adheres better to the primer if it’s been sanded. As you can see, the painters at G.A.S. are incredibly talented and detailed at what they do. Each custom Cozy Coupe got a special color and glossy finish to help its personality really pop!
Reassembling the Cozy Coupes
These custom Cozy Coupes had to be carefully reassembled by hand by G.A.S.’s design team because the special paint jobs are so delicate and make them fit together just a little tighter. The G.A.S. team even created art to put on the wheels and designed custom decal stickers!
Applying the Custom Decals
G.A.S.’s designers created truly unique decal stickers for each Custom Cozy Coupe (which we think are totally rad). Unlike a normal Cozy Coupe, the custom decal stickers had to be applied well after the custom paint dried. That way, the paint team could make sure that the glossy finish wouldn’t bubble or crack and the stickers would adhere properly.

Finalizing the detailing
With the paint, assembly, and decals finished, G.A.S.’s team detailed each of the Cozy Coupes so they’d be nice and shiny for their debut at the Play Big! Tour stop in San Jose, CA. We even created special, super-padded crates to help ship these six Custom Cozy Coupes around.
Are you ready to get out there and create your own awesome custom Cozy Coupe? Now you can with the all new D.I.Y. Cozy Coupe that you and your kids can decorate again and again. Grab a D.I.Y. Cozy Coupe for the family and flex your creative muscles! We can’t wait to see how it goes! Make sure to snap a picture of the finished design, and don’t forget to tag us (@OfficialLittleTikes on Instagram, @LittleTikes everywhere else on social media)!
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