We’ve all been there: trying to put together a toy the night before your family’s holiday celebration and you just can’t figure out the instructions, or a screw is missing, or you have two left wheels. There’s nothing worse than getting your kid a toy and not being able to put it together or having it not work right. Never fear, the Little Tikes customer service team is here! We’ve put together a few tips (and extended our normal hours) to help you out this holiday season.

*All times are in Eastern Standard Time

Order Ahead of Time to Make Sure You Get Our Hot Toys Before They Sell Out This Holiday Season!
We’re going to let you in on a little secret: the more popular one of our toys is, the faster it sells out (*Gasp* Shocking!). That’s why you can find where all of our Hot Toys are available on www.LittleTikes.com as well as which retailers have the best deals. Go on, nobody ever won parent of the year for procrastinating buying holiday gifts!

Don’t Spoil the Surprise!
Many of our larger toys ship from retailers in their own packaging, so some of your biggest holiday surprises might get accidentally revealed when they arrive. Consider shipping your orders to a friend or family member’s house so that the package doesn’t spoil your big gift before you’re ready to reveal it. Make sure you tell that friend / family member that you’re shipping a Cozy Coupe to their house though…
Check Your Boxes
Even Santa’s elves make mistakes sometimes. Check to make sure all of the pieces arrived in your box (if you’re not sure, our instruction manuals always have an includes list written on them). You may even want to assemble your gifts yourself, and our customer service team is here to help you with that, too!

Watch our Assembly Videos
If you’re a procrastinator and wait until 2AM the night before to put together your kid’s gifts, you can check out our assembly videos for help putting their gifts together. We have videos available for most of our most popular toys, and new videos are getting added all the time.
Contact Us for Help
Our extended customer service hours apply to both online and over-the-phone help. You can reach us online by using our Contact Us Form or give us a call at 1-800-321-0183. They can’t accept your cookies and milk as payment, but they appreciate the offer.
We love hearing stories about how you and your kids celebrate the holidays. Make sure to snap a picture and don’t forget to tag us (@OfficialLittleTikes on Instagram, @LittleTikes everywhere else on social media) as they open their gifts!
For 50 years Little Tikes has been a parent-trusted brand making kids toys that last. Looking for more great active play ideas? Check out www.LittleTikes.com for all our latest play tips & tricks!