Hi-oh, Campers!
Welcome to the superfreakingawesome start of Little Tikes Camp Play@Home! I’m Junior Counselor Jeff (not to be confused with Eco Master Jeff). In addition to being a former camper myself, I’ll be your digital guide for all things Camp Play@Home. That’s right, I’ll have tons of videos, activities, games, and more for you to do. What I won’t have is a shoulder for Camper Dad to cry on when he drinks a little too much ‘grape juice’ and starts talking about how his high school band totally would’ve made it big.
Any who, for the next seven weeks we’ll be bringing you tons of fun stuff for the whole family to do (and a few things to save Camper Mom and Camper Dad’s sanity, too). This Friday, our Orientation Week activity video goes live, so today we’re going to get things rolling with another fun activity for you and your bunk mates to do together! We’ll also help you gather everything you need to participate in our Orientation Week activity video.
Color Week Bonus Activity: Rainbow Rain Clouds!

For this week’s bonus activity, we’ll be making tiny, rainbow rain clouds. For this simple activity, you need: a large bowl, some foam shaving cream, water, and food coloring. Here’s how to make your own rainbow rain clouds:

Fill the bowl up halfway with water

Lather up some foam shaving cream and place it on top of the water in the bowl. Try to make enough that it fills the remainder of the bowl

Drip drops of food coloring, one at a time, on top of the shaving cream

Drip more colors of food coloring in to create a rainbow effect

Marvel at your totally awesome Rainbow Rain Clouds
That’s it! Hopefully your bunk mates don’t make too much of a mess, but it’s easy to clean up if they did and maybe it’s time they learned a thing or two about chores?
Tie Dye T-shirts this Friday for our official Camp Play@Home uniforms

Oh, and before I forget, we’re making Tie Dye T-shirts this Friday for our official Camp Play@Home uniforms! Here’s everything you need for to participate in this Friday’s Tie Dye T-Shirt Making Activity:
A plain white t-shirt (pre-washed)
4 rubber bands
Colored dye
A plastic bag with a zip seal
A plastic tablecloth or workstation that you can get messy
Your favorite beverage (adult or otherwise)
Hope you enjoyed today’s activity. Make sure to snap pictures as you and your bunk mates make Rainbow Rain Clouds and Tie Dye T-Shirts, and don’t forget to tag us when you post (@OfficialLittleTikes on Instagram, @LittleTikes everywhere else on social media)! Ready for more?
At Little Tikes, we don’t just make toys, we make play. Looking for more great active play ideas? Check out www.LittleTikes.com for all our latest play tips & tricks!